Is Rape By Seduction
Adam Shane Lawes
The following diary data entry is a transcript of
the stone statue ritual that I performed a couple of hours ago here at
Melbourne Cemetery. And tonight I vented out all my anger about some psychics
upon a stone statue of Jesus Christ. Because as I have stated previously here
in my diary data entries, I grew up surrounded by 'spiritual' people - for the
want of a better term - and many of them also have psychic abilities. And even
though psychic abilities cannot be scientifically and empirically tested, I
believe in psychic abilities because I have experienced them. And when it comes
to psychics, it is not the fake psychics that you have to be careful of as much
as the real psychics - because the only real concern you have to worry about
with fake psychics is that they will take your money and give you misleading
and false information, which you may then follow, and which may then cause you
problems or ruin your life - So in that context, obviously definitely beware of
fake psychics. But also be careful when it comes to real psychics - because
many of them, although they have real psychic abilities - they are still often
operating out of their own subjective beliefs - so any relevant and useful
insight and information that they may have for you may then be polluted and/or
ruined by their own subjective beliefs, and thus the information that the
psychic may tell you may not be right for your own individual subjective way in
this world. And also unfortunately there are some malicious psychics out there
who get malicious pleasure out of playing with and ruining other people's lives
- And also it is very likely that the voice or voices that many people speak of
hearing, may not necessarily mean that the person hearing them is 'crazy'
and/or psychotic and/or schizophrenic - For the internal voices that the person
may be hearing may be the voice or voices of a malicious psychic and/or
psychics - And malicious psychics who play psychic mind games with people may
cause their victims to feel or become 'crazy' and/or psychotic and/or
schizophrenic - And also if a person listens to the voice and/or voices of a
malicious psychic and/or psychics, it could also cause them many problems in
their life and also ruin their life - So when it comes to psychics and any
unknown inner voice and/or voices and any psychic advice - Be very careful
about what that unknown inner psychic voice or voices may be telling you to do
- Because you do not know who or where it may be coming from - And
unfortunately there are malicious psychics out there who enjoy playing psychic
mind games with other people and cruelly and wrongfully and maliciously ruining
another person's life.
© Copyright
Adam Shane Lawes