Is Rape By Seduction
Adam Shane Lawes
The following is a transcript of the stone statue
ritual that I performed a couple of hours ago here at Melbourne Cemetery. And
tonight I vented out my anger about so many suburban people upon the stone
statue of Jesus Christ. Because all the abuse in my life has come from suburban
family people - from the abusive family homes that I grew up in, and especially
my extremely abusive stepmother - to the cruel and mean suburban children in
the twelve schools that I went to growing up - (even though I never finished
High School) - and to the abusive suburban drunken co-worker, and the abusive
suburban family man who was the cruel, corrupt, corporate manager at my last
job - And all of which I have described in detail in many of my previous diary
data entries. And when it comes to suburban family people - what also makes me
angry is the fact that they are too often unfairly given special privileges in
society because they are suburban family people - especially in work situations
- However the fact of the matter is that suburban family people chose that way
of life - and often everyone has it hard in life - so to give special
privileges to suburban family people is unfair on people who do not like
suburbia and the suburban family way of life - and who instead like to be
single and have chosen to live a non-suburban, single way of life. And also in
my experiences, many mean, cruel and abusive suburban family people, to try and
get away with their cruel, abusive behaviour and their unfair special
privileges, will hide behind some wrongful moralistic concept and notion that
because they are suburban family people they are good and moral people -
However, this is obviously wrong of those mean, cruel and abusive suburban
family people to do - And also the actual concept and notion that suburban
family people and their way of life is the right way and the moral way is a
false and wrongful notion and concept - For in my experiences, as I have
emphasised, so much abuse, and domestic violence, and the stagnation, and the
lack of passion, and the unhappiness, and the misery that makes so many people
cruel, mean and abusive in society, exists and comes from the suburban family
way of life. And knowing from my many personal experiences that I do not like
and nor do I want to live the suburban way of life - That is also why I cannot
personally live the suburban way of life - and also why I have so much anger
towards the suburban way of life because of my messed up abusive, horrible
suburban upbringing - however I have to be open-minded and accept that not all
suburban people are bad and that some people really want and need to live the
suburban way of life.
© Copyright
Adam Shane Lawes