Is Rape By Seduction
Adam Shane Lawes
This is a transcript of the stone statue ritual
that I performed a couple of hours ago here at Melbourne Cemetery - And tonight
I vented out my anger upon the stone statue of Jesus Christ about the
constricting, uncomfortable and aggravating nature of many pretentious and
conservative people's behaviour. Because I personally do not like pretentious
and/or conservative people and practices, and I have been mistreated and
wronged in my life by people who have tried to control and restrict me by the
innate restrictive nature of pretentious behaviour and conservative beliefs and
practices. And when it comes to pretentious and/or conservative people, I have
consistently been unfairly looked down upon and unfairly judged and viewed as
being stupid by pretentious and/or conservative people because I am not a
conservative person - and also because I am not formally educated - And too
often there are nasty pretentious and/or cruel conservative people who have
influential positions of power in society - and I have thus been denied
opportunities in my life because I am not like them. And when it comes to
conservative people, I hate their behaviour and beliefs because they make life
dull and cruelly constrictive and horrible. And when it comes to pretentious
people, I hate their behaviour and beliefs because pretentiousness is the
horrible act of condescending other people through the process of the
pretentious person pretending to be confident in a nasty and false way, and
acting in old-fashioned upper class social mannerisms of behaviour - And
conservative behaviour is motivated by uptight, greedy, class orientated people
- And pretentious behaviour is motivated by insecure people trying and
pretending to look and act confident - when instead a pretentious person is really
an insecure, nasty, malicious person.
© Copyright
Adam Shane Lawes