Romance Is Rape By Seduction
By Adam Shane Lawes


Tonight Phoebe -The Beirut Babe - took me to see one of her friends called Damieno who lives in one of the housing project commission flats here in the inner city precinct of Carlton in Melbourne in Victoria. And Damieno is an Australian of Tamil Sri Lankan origin and lives with his family in the housing project commission flat now here in Melbourne. And Damieno also lost his job recently because a co-worker at his last place of employment is an Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin and is friends with the evening manager who works at the warehouse where Damieno used to work the nighshift. And Damieno's Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin co-worker always received special treatment from his evening manager friend - So that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin co-worker would continually come into work late and stoned on marijuana and work slow and take extended meal breaks each shift that he worked - Whilst Damieno would continually go into work early, often also work through his meal breaks, and also stay back at work unpaid in order to try and finish the required work that had been allocated each night out of threats to his job and fears of losing his job from the warehouse manager. And although Damieno had been at the job first and for many years, when that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin came along to that place of employment through that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan's friendship with that evening manager at the warehouse where they worked - when that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin came along he started to make constant complaints against Damieno to get Damieno into trouble - For even on that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan's origin first night there, that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin complained that the hooded jumper that Damieno was wearing that had a print of a tiger on the back was offensive to him - So Damieno was told to never wear that hooded jumper to work again, and to take his hooded jumper off that night at work - and consequently that night Damieno had to work in the freezer department of the warehouse in the cold and without his hooded jumper for warmth and protection. And even though that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin constantly came into work severly stoned, paranoid, impaired and slow on marijuana every shift - That Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin kept telling the managers that Damieno was at work on ice and was always angry and smashing boxes and making threats. So consequently Damieno was continually being questioned and having his job threatened by that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin's evening manager friend and the rest of the warehouse management. And then Damieno's father died back in Sri Lanka of a heart attack - So on that particular nightshift Damieno arrived to work 20 minutes late because he had just gotten off the phone with his relatives in Sri Lanka who told them the sad news - and Damieno was trying to cope with it and also consoling his grief stricken mother and his younger sisters - And then Damieno had to rush to work to try and keep his job which had been constantly threatened and unfairly undermined by that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin there - And despite Damieno always being at work early, and often working through his meal breaks, and then continually staying back late to get the allocated work load done because that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin there continually arrived to work late and worked slow and had extended meal breaks because he was lazy and stoned and paranoid on pot and was always consequently trying to frame Damieno for being on ice and angry and threatening at work - And also because Damieno is an Australian of Tamil Sri Lankan origin - that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin there was continually demonising Damieno and making constant complaints about Damieno to get Damieno into trouble at work - and also because that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan was always stoned, slow and paranoid on pot, and trying to cover this up by wrongfully and continually focussing attention onto Damieno, and continually trying to get Damieno into trouble at that warehouse workplace by telling the warehouse managers that Damieno worked on ice, and was always angry and working frantically and smashing boxes at work. And despite Damieno always arriving to work early, and continually working through his meal breaks, and then staying back late after his shift ended and doing all this unpaid work - On the night Damieno was 20 minutes late because he had just received the sad news that his father had died of a heart attack back in Sri Lanka - Because of that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin's friendship with the evening warehouse manager and all the complaints made by that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin about Damieno - Damieno was then unfairly terminated from his job. And so now with his only job reference ruined from all his years of employment at the warehouse because of the constant complaints made against him by that Australian of Sinhalese Sri Lankan origin there who is close friends with the warehouse evening manager - Damieno is still unemployed - And so now in his room in the housing project commission flat where he lives with his mother and two younger sisters - Damieno has turned his bedroom into a ritualistic worship room for the Indian goddess Kali in order to spiritually terrorise his enemies - Which is why Phoebe brought me to meet Damieno - For after our initial meeting, and Damieno explained his past and I explained mine to him - culminating in the oppression, exploitation and then termination of my job by my former store manager who is originally from India at my last and only place of employment - Damieno then taught me an aspect of his Kali ritual that he now practices in his Kali worship room - in order to help me spiritually terrorise and get vengeful justice upon my former store manager who is an Australian originally from India - and also to combine Damieno's Kali ritual with Phoebe's personalised vengeance voodoo ritual practices - in order to help me get this vengeful justice upon my former store manager who is originally from India - and which I have detailed the oppression, exploitation and cruel, corporate corruption by my former store manager who is originally from India in my earlier diary data entries. So after meeting and becoming friends with Damieno and spending most of the night talking and learning from him in his room at the housing project commission flat - Phoebe and I then returned here to the cemetery. And now as I am writing this particular diary data entry - Phoebe is out searching and scouring the cemetery for specific stone statue that she can transform into an icon of the goddess Kali - and also another stone statue to use as an icon for another goddess for her part of our personalised vengeance voodoo rituals upon our former managers who oppressed us, exploited us, and then terminated us from our last places of employment. Because tomorrow night at midnight we are going to perform our personalised voodoo vengeance rituals.

© Copyright Adam Shane Lawes