Romance Is Rape By Seduction
 By Adam Shane Lawes


This is a transcript of the stone statue ritual that I performed a couple of hours ago and which I have outlined in my last four diary data entries here on the world-wide-web internet. And tonight here at Melbourne Cemetery, I vented out my anger upon the stone statue of Jesus Christ about the lack of acknowledgment and the lack of the way that psychological abuse in any form is not appropriately and properly dealt with by the law. Because psychological abuse, whether it be ridiculing, tormenting or nagging, makes life horrible for the victims of psychological abuse - And psychological abuse also causes negative psychological AND physical reactions to the victims of psychological abuse - So therefore psychological abuse is a form of psychological AND physical abuse. And in addition to this, people who are the victims of psychological abuse will often wrongfully get into trouble and/or be made to look bad and/or angry and/or violent and/or psychopathic because they cannot tolerate and refuse to tolerate psychological abuse in any form anymore. And as I have emphasised - psychological abuse is not appropriately or properly dealt with by the law. So if I was in control of the law - then people who psychologically abuse other people would be dealt with in the following way. On their first offence a person who psychologically abuses another person would be counseled about why psychological abuse is wrong. Then if the person continued their psychological abuse, then on their second offence the person would be counseled again about why psychological abuse is wrong and given a fine or community service. Then if the person continued their psychological abuse, on their third offence they would be made to wear a metal jaw-lock that would prevent them from verbally speaking for the rest of their life.

© Copyright Adam Shane Lawes