Romance Is Rape By Seduction
 By Adam Shane Lawes


This is a transcript of the stone statue ritual that I performed a couple of hours ago here at Melbourne Cemetery. And tonight I vented out all my anger about the hypocrisy of alcohol being legal, whilst illicit drugs remain illegal, upon the stone statue of Jesus Christ being crucified. Because I personally hate alcohol - However I accept that everyone is different and there are people who do like alcohol - However it is unfair and complete hypocrisy that alcohol is legal whilst illicit drugs remain illegal. Because alcohol kills more people each year in this country than the deaths of all illegal drugs combined together each year in this country. So the fact that alcohol is legal whilst illegal drugs remain illegal is completely unfair and complete hypocrisy. And also besides my own bad behaviour on alcohol where at the age of sixteen years old I wrongfully tried to rape my stepsister, nearly everyone who has hurt me in my life has been under the influence of alcohol and/or someone who likes to drink alcohol and/or an alcoholic. And I have had to put up with so much abuse and hurt in my life because of alcohol. And I refuse to tolerate anymore, people who drink alcohol taking their bad mood alcohol hangovers out on me. And also I refuse to tolerate anymore, people who drink alcohol consistently getting away with their abusive behaviour when they are under the influence of alcohol, because alcohol is legal and illegal drugs are still unfairly illegal. And also I refuse to tolerate anymore, being tormented by people who like to drink alcohol, about how they can so easily get their drug which is alcohol, and also about how they can get away with their wrongful alcohol induced behaviour, all because alcohol is legal and illegal drugs remain illegal. And also I refuse to tolerate anymore, people who drink alcohol wrongfully continuing to perpetuate the wrongful belief and behaviour that what they experience and feel under the influence of alcohol as being 'happiness', and then trying to replicate that version of alcohol induced false 'happiness' in their everyday life because they wrongfully believe that what they experience and feel under the influence of alcohol as being happiness - Because being under the influence of alcohol is NOT happiness - And instead being under the influence of alcohol is a state of stupor. And also I refuse to tolerate anymore, people who drink alcohol going around on their high-horse of self-righteous morality and speaking out against and/or campaigning against illegal drugs - Because alcohol kills more people in this country each year than the deaths of all illegal drugs combined together each year in this country - So the fact that alcohol is legal and illegal drugs remain illegal and people are criminalised because of the hypocrisy of our drug laws is wrong and it has to stop - And the law must be changed - So this is an ideological war against the war on drugs - And this ideological war will continue until the law changes and either alcohol is also made illegal OR illegal drugs are made legal.

© Copyright Adam Shane Lawes