Romance Is Rape By Seduction
 By Adam Shane Lawes


Tonight I want to state my personal belief in the way that karmic law works - Because I believe that karmic law works in a way that the victim or victims of someone who has wronged them are the ones who will somehow inevitably get justice upon the person or people who they have been wronged by. And how this occurs is up to the individual - For if the victim of someone they have been wronged by does not act to seek justice upon the person or people that have wronged them - then eventually somewhere and somehow the victim of the person or people that have wronged them will get justice upon them - whether in this life or the next - However, we are always acting as actions are an inherent part of existing and our existence - And we can also act and take action in ways that allow us to develop and evolve in existence - So in that context, we can and do have the right to take action to bring justice to the people that have wronged us in our life - And in that context, in terms of curses - if someone has definitely wronged you to whatever degree in this life - remember not everything is the result of possible karma from a previous life - because new actions and events are occurring all the time - and thus new karma, in whatever form, is being generated all the time - so in the context of being sure and knowing that someone has wronged you in this life - you have the right to act and take action in order to bring justice to the person or persons who have wronged you - And specifically in terms of curses - they are best done when you are unable to bring justice to the person or persons that have wronged you when you cannot get justice in any other way - due to possible reasons such as the way that you were wronged is not recognised by the law yet or not acknowledged by the law enough yet - and/or the person is able to get away with their wrongful behaviour - as was the case of the cruel, corporate corruption that my former store manager who is an Australian originally from India - and who unfairly oppressed, used, exploited and then terminated me from my last and only place of employment and which I have detailed his corruption and wrongful behaviour towards me in many of my previous diary data entries.

© Copyright Adam Shane Lawes