Romance Is Rape By Seduction
 By Adam Shane Lawes


Tonight I said a temporary physical goodbye to Phoebe - The Beirut Babe. For when we were on our way back to the cemetery from the church charity food van at the industrial warehouse market carpark in the inner city - Phoebe and I went to her old address where she had been living until she was unfairly terminated from her job for misconduct, and also had to quit her hairdressing course because she couldn't pay the fees anymore, and also denied unemployment benefits for unfairly being terminated from her job for misconduct and consequently made homeless. And there was a note that was left there by one of her friends cousins who is a hairdresser and still a muslim, and who owns and runs a hairdressing salon here in the Precinct of Coburg, in Melbourne, in Victoria. And Phoebe's friend's cousin, who runs a hairdressing salon and women's muslim clothing shop in Coburg that specialises in hairdressing for women and hijabs and other muslim womens clothing has offered Phoebe a job there and Phoebe has told me that she has decided to become a muslim again and also work there as her hairdressing apprentice and also a place to live in the small room at the back of the hairdressing salon. And so even though the hairdressing apprenticeship will take years and much longer than the fairly expensive hairdressing course that Phoebe was studying and working in the factory to pay the course fees - at least now Phoebe gets to work doing what she is passionate about - which is what work is supposed to be - passionate - and not mundane, horrible and something that you dislike and/or hate. So tonight I said a temporary physical goodbye to Phoebe - for we are going to still stay in contact through the internet - but now Phoebe has to focus and dedicate herself for her new start as a hairdressing apprentice and doing the work that she is passionate about at her new job. So now Phoebe and I are going to take a walk around the cemetery in the cold and the fog of this autumn night here - and then say a temporary goodbye - until she is settled in her new job and home and contacts me again - and also returns to visit me here at the cemetery. So it is goodnight from me now tonight in this diary data entry.

© Copyright Adam Shane Lawes