Romance Is Rape By Seduction
 By Adam Shane Lawes


In this digital diary data entry I just want to state for the record that I am personally against art being studied at a university or any other institution. Because art, which is made up of passion, creativity, personality and individuality is not something that can be, or needs to be, or should be studied at an institution. And institutional based learning should be kept only for studies which require the necessary skills, qualifications and accreditation of being taught in an institution so that they can then be legally practiced in society - such as law, medicine and science and engineering degrees. And the main reason that I am personally against art being studied at an institution, is that institutional based learning takes the passion out of art and it also inhibits the personality and individual style of artists - which can clearly be seen in the inhibiting of personality and individuality in artists who have an art institutional based background - and also all the people that I have met and/or personally studied who liked and were able to function studying art in an institution, all seemed to only be able to be artistically productive in the institution because they were functioning under the institutions unnecessary and individuality destroying art mentors - and also those same people who enjoyed studying art at an institution, were also only able to be artistically productive because they were all stealing each others art ideas for their artwork that they produced in the institution, and the reason for this was because those people who enjoyed and were productive studying art an institution, lack their own creative individuality, personal style and artistic ideas - And those are the reasons why they all liked and were able to be productive in the horrible environment of studying art at an institution. And all the artists that I like and respect, both in the past and present, were either non-institutional based artists, or artists who either dropped out or got kicked out of an art institution. And also anyone studying artists at an art institution must feel a sense of antagonising contemptuous irony in the fact that so many of the artists that they are studying were either rejected and/or kicked out of art institutions in their lives. So anyone studying art at an institution should get out of the institution and put their time and money that they are spending at the institution into working on and self-funding their own art careers - And also to save their individuality and personality and passion in their artwork - Because institutions are the enemy of passion, personality and individuality in art. And to tell you the truth - I would be glad if the Arts were phased out of institutions - because they are viewed by so many in the money making mannerisms of institutions in this day and age to be not economically productive - For at least then art will be finally completely free of the horrible, sterile environment of art institutions.

© Copyright Adam Shane Lawes