Is Rape By Seduction
By Adam
Shane Lawes
I have just been considering what I wrote yesterday
about those of us who have an artistic orientation and how we should abandon
institutions because institutions are the artistic enemy of passion and
individuality, and instead we should be self-taught artists. In addition to
this, universities are increasingly becoming greedy, money making institutions
in society - and it seems almost inevitable that one day institutions, in our
increasingly class based society, will bring in upfront educational fee paying
for all students. However, I was just wondering about those people who are born
into impoverished circumstances and who do not want to be artists and instead
want to pursue a career that requires formal institutional learning and
accreditation - such as in law, medicine and the sciences. And if in our
increasingly class based society, institutions were to unfortunately bring in
upfront fee paying for all students - then this would be a major disadvantage
and a massive problem for poor students who want and need an institutional
based education and career. Because if institutional based learning becomes an
up-front fee paying scheme to all students in our increasingly class based
society, then an institutional based education and career will only be available
to students from a wealthier bourgeois middle and upper class background - and
this will unfortunately further maintain and increase social class barriers
because students from a wealthier bourgeois middle and upper class background
will easily be able to go straight into their chosen institutional education
and then subsequent career, whilst the only chance for those from a poor
background who want an institutional based education and career, will be to
spend years working some horrible, hard and mundane job in order to save the
money for their desired institutional based education and career - and this
means in such circumstances, it would be many years before people who are born
into impoverished circumstances would be able to finally afford and start their
desired chosen institutional based education because they will have to spend
many years working just to save for the money for their chosen institutional
based education and career - So you can see how horrible, hard and difficult it
would be for students from an impoverished background to get an institutional
based education and career if they desired one and if upfront fees were made
compulsory in institutional based learning. And also you can see how that
bringing in up-front fees would only maintain and increase social class
barriers by allowing wealthier bourgeois middle and upper class students to
easily get their chosen institutional based education and career, whilst making
it very difficult for students from a poor background who wanted an institutional
based education and career to get one because they were born into a lower
social class and impoverished circumstances. And in the abovementioned context,
in the oppressive and cruel class and caste based social system like India, the
concept of karma has wrongfully been applied to a person's class and caste in
order to wrongfully maintain a class and caste based society. So in that
'spiritual' and 'religious' context, in any class based social system, that
would mean that those who are born into impoverished circumstances are meant to
stay in impoverished circumstances due to their supposed karma which resulted
in them being initially born into an impoverished social situation in the first
place. And in addition to that, in such a 'spiritual' and 'religious' concept,
that would also mean that people who are born poor are meant to be denied a
chance to better their social situation and lives, and are instead meant to
stay poor and spend their lives living in poverty - and their form of
employment will be always limited to mentally mundane and physically hard
manual labour work. And I am sure that there are wealthy bourgeois middle and
upper class 'spiritual' and 'religious' people here in western society that
would adhere to such a cruel, exploitative and oppressive social belief system.
And I want to say straight out to such 'spiritual' and 'religious' people that
the whole notion that just because a person is born poor and into impoverished
circumstances reveals that person's intelligence and personal capabilities and
means that they are meant to stay poor and in impoverished circumstances and
spend their life working mentally mundane and physically hard and horrible
employment - is one big cruel social, 'spiritual' and 'religious' lie. Because
considering the underlying notions of reincarnation and karma that are the
foundations of such a cruel and wrongful 'spiritual' and religious' belief
system, there are so many examples of people both now and throughout history
that undermine the wrongful 'spiritual' and 'religious' belief that the
circumstances that a person is born into is controlled and limited by a
person's karma - for such a cruel and oppressive belief system is a complete
misuse of the whole concept of the term 'karma'. For example, look at all the
intelligent and talented artists that are born into poor and impoverished
circumstances, both now and throughout history. For as I mentioned in my diary
data entry number 13, there are so many intelligent and talented artists who
were born poor and who ignored, or denied, or got kicked out of an
institutional based education, but still spent their lives making intense,
intelligent, passionate and powerful art. In addition to this, look at all the
political dictators throughout history that were born poor and/or lived poor
until they rose to power as powerful political dictators. So the fact that
these artists and/or political dictators were born and/or lived poor, and were
also so often not educated by society's institutions, completely undermines and
tears down the wrongful 'spiritual' and 'religious' notion that a person's
karma and life is revealed and limited by the social class and circumstances
that they were born into. And I also want to now state that a democratic class
based social system is not only an oppressive, exploitative and restrictive
social system, it is also a social system based on a false concept and system
of operating. For in a democracy, people elect those into political power, and
then the people of a true democracy would then vote and choose the outcome of
all social aspects of society. However in the false concept of democracy that
exists, we elect into power the political leaders by voting, and then those
political leaders that are elected into power then go onto make the decisions
for the people of the social system of which they have been elected as
'democratic' political leaders - and thus we live in a psuedo democracy. So in
our class based psuedo democratic society, those of us who are born into poor
circumstances and are thus are an underclass in society (and which we would
also be often cruelly and wrongfully be considered as 'untouchables' in a
country like India), wherever we are, we must abandon society's cruel,
oppressive and exploitative class based institutions and restrictions and find
power in our underclass position. And for people who are artists, this will
give them more time and freedom to focus on doing their artwork within the
context of their social underclass position in society. And to those who are born
poor and into the underclass and who have the inclination, talent and desire to
study for a profession such as law, medicine and the sciences that requires
studying and receiving accreditation from a university educational institution,
then do so whilst you can and before the possibility of up-front university
fees are brought in, and then a university education and accreditation will
only become an option for wealthy people - And to those poor people who still
have a chance to study for a university degree in law, medicine and the
sciences before up-front fees are possibly brought in - then when you are
finished your studies - never forget you underclass position, and use your
education to help all of us in the underclass to gain power and wage a social class
war. And if upfront fees are unfairly brought in for a university institutional
education, then for poor and talented students who want a specific university
education, there will always be the option of scholarships - However these will
always be limited, especially in the context of the sheer mass of poor people
in society who are intelligent enough to both study and want to study at a
university institution in fields such as law, medicine and the sciences. And
also as university institutions increasingly become like greedy, money making
machines - then obviously the limited and inadequate number of scholarships
will also decrease, making a university education for people who are poor and
want to study a necessary university field and the required accreditation, such
as in law, medicine and the sciences - not a possible career and life path. So
in such an outcome, what would happen to intelligent and talented poor students
if up-front fees are brought into university education, and thus masses of intelligent
and talented poor people in the underclass are denied a university education in
law, medicine and the sciences - Will there be secret, black market,
underground and illegal places of learning subjects such as law, medicine and
the sciences for poor students of the underclass who want to study those
subjects but cannot because up-front fees have been brought in to get a
university education. And from this could a whole black market of passionate
but poor, illegally professionally taught people in the areas of law, medicine
and the sciences emerge as a result, and then provide their black market
professional services to the underclass, which in turn helps empower the social
underclass even more - And thus a whole massive black market social underclass is
brought into existence and functions as a powerful, black market, social
underclass in society.
© Copyright
Adam Shane Lawes