Romance Is Rape By Seduction
By Adam Shane Lawes


After what I have witnessed and experienced in my life from the breakdown of marriage and monogamy and the abusive perverse pubescent wrongful bad behaviour of my troubled terrible teenage years it is hard for me not to be cynical regarding relationships and not state that romance is rape by seduction. For the 2000 year old Age Of Pisces has come to an end and we are now in the often difficult and messy transition period between The Age Of Pisces ending and the new 2000 year astrological Age Of Aquarius beginning. And romance and coupling, which seemed to have such an emphasis in the Age Of Pisces, seems to be coming to a messy end now as the Age Of Pisces also ends, and not all but so many coupling relationships now are experiencing difficulties that often lead to their eventual destruction. And the change in divorce laws in this country in the late 1970's at the very end of the 2000 year Age Of Pisces, and the massive breakdown of marriages and coupling and the resulting rapid rise in broken homes, is all the proof that I need to show that the age of coupling is in a massive amount of trouble as the Age Of Aquarius with its shifted metaphysical evolutionary emphasis upon individuals and individuals in groups begins. And in this difficult and messy transition period with the 2000 year old Age of Pisces ending and the new 2000 year Age Of Aquarius just beginning, there is obviously a lot of confusion, lack of satisfaction and disenchantment, as too many people still try to hold onto the Age Of Pisces influences including the Age Of Pisces religions and their outdated beliefs. However the more that those people so desperately try to hold onto outdated Age Of Pisces beliefs and their lifestyles, the harder it will get for them and eventually it will result in disenchantment and often lead to a horrible and bitter end. And in my life I have witnessed this breakdown in coupling relationships as occurring increasingly in even more rapid and messier ways. For example, the family homes that I was brought up in were all troubled and disintegrating when I was in them - the worst being that horrible stepfamily home that I lived with for six years from the age of 11 years old to 16 years old. In addition to this, I can never stay in a coupling relationship for more than 3 months because always after 3 months I got bored and the passion goes and then I either cheated and/or got out of the coupling relationship - no matter how much I was infatuated including lustfully with the girl at the start of the relationship - So from personal experience, I believe that there is no such thing as love in coupling relationships and instead that illusion of the concept of love is really just lust and infatuation - and for me personally that lust and infatuation always wears off after 3 months - And so now I have made a pact with myself not to ever get involved in another coupling relationship again due to this fact. In addition to this, in my life I have consequently watched nearly every coupling relationship in my life be ruined and corrupted in some form - and even when the couples choose to continue to stay together - most often due to either being in too much of a comfort zone (despite the passion in their relationship having ended a long time ago and replaced instead with jealousy and fighting), and/or the couple wrongfully stay together for financial reasons - which is also often an aspect of staying in the comfort zone of their failed coupling relationship instead of making the often difficult but necessary break into freedom. In addition to this, from personal experience in observing the breakdown of coupling relationships in this age, there are usually 5 stages to coupling relationships. The first is when the couple first get together in the stage of infatuation (which is the only stage that I have personally experienced because I always get out of the coupling relationship after 3 months because that's when the passion personally ends for me and it is a sign for me to get out of the coupling relationship then and there, and never allow myself to be emotionally attached to another person because I believe that is a sign of weakness that will result in your downfall into the trap of attachment, which will result in the disintegration of your personality and passions, and which also no matter what, always has a bitter end). The second stage that I have witnessed in coupling relationships is when the couples are comfortably together and are also so often smug and nasty in their coupling comfort zone. The third stage of a coupling relationship that I have witnessed is when the lust and infatuation begins to wear off and the comfort for the couple is no longer enough to satisfy them, and if they choose to stay together, they then become often increasingly nasty and bitter, both towards each other, and also often towards people around them - especially if you are not in a coupling relationship and have your personal freedom unlike the couple in a coupling relationship. The fourth stage of the coupling relationship is when the fighting increases in the coupling relationship and more than likely, affairs and cheating on each other begins in the coupling relationship - which often when brought out into the open, too many couples still continue to try and stay together, often due to guilt and staying in their coupling comfort zone, despite the obvious massive breakdown of their coupling relationship. And the final fifth stage of the coupling relationship, is the couple either growing old, bored and bitter together  - Or the couple finally ending their coupling relationship. So now, the 2000 year old Age of  Pisces has just finished and we are now in the messy transition period as the 2000 year Age Of Aquarius is just beginning - And it is obvious that we need alternatives to conventional conservative coupling relationships, in whatever form, which are no longer working - astrologically, historically and practical speaking. One alternative to coupling relationships is the concept of intimate relationships in a non-monogamous context. The question now is how do we propose to go about forming alternative ways of intimacy in a non-monogamous and non-traditional context. Firstly, the jealousy factor that so many people suffer from must be overcome - because jealousy is truly pathetic and a sign of insecurity in the self motivated by an unattainable need to try and find passion and/or happiness in a another person, when instead people should seek to find passion and/or happiness in themselves - Because passion and/or happiness can never be found outside the self and in another person. Secondly, having grown up in broken homes, it is obvious that in the breakdown of coupling relationships and the rapid rising of broken homes and children being brought up by parents who are not their own blood parents, and who therefore resent them and abuse their presence, just as I was so badly abused growing up by my stepmother, means that it is necessary to find appropriate and non-abusive ways, patterns of behaviour and laws to stop children being abused in the rapidly ever increasing rise of broken homes in this day and age, as the concept and function of coupling relationships increasingly breaks down, and therefore children are ever increasingly growing up under parental care by people who are not their blood parents, and therefore way too often and usually out of jealousy, the non-blood parent(s) resent the presence of such a child and therefore abuse that child. And this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed because obviously children still need to be born into the world, however it is not an issue for me to personally and practically deal with and find the answers to - Because I neither want children, as I like my personal freedom and personal time too much, and also I know that I would not be an abusive parent - but I do know that I would be a neglectful parent due to my personal need and passion to spend so much time alone and including also on my artwork. And we all have our own passions, interests and lifestyle choices, and there will obviously be many people out there who are thrust into relationships in which they are bringing up children that are not of their own blood and therefore they will have to find the practical, compassionate answers to the lifestyle choice that they have chosen which resulted in them bringing up children that are not of their own blood. So it is obvious, that as the 2000 year old Age of Pisces now ends and we are now in the often confusing and messy transition period as we head into the 2000 year Age of Aquarius, the future, especially the immediate future, is going to be a difficult and confusing and often messy time in terms of intimate relationships. However, as I have stated, one possible alternative to coupling for those that want relationships is non-monogamous intimate relationships - because I have been in some intimate relationships with girlfriends where I was very sexually turned on and aroused and so were they when I watched some of my girlfriends have sex with other males and they watched me have sex with other females - and also consensually sexually acting out rape sex (which was first instigated by a girlfriend who had been previously sexually raped by a male and who got legal justice for it and then asked me to act out forcefully sexually raping her which we both got intensely sexually aroused and pleasured by having this rape sex) and also with other girlfriends having consensual threesomes and gang-bangs and making porn and having sex parties at home and having public sex in nightclubs on drugs which is all very sexually intense, pleasurable and passionate.

© Copyright Adam Shane Lawes