Romance Is Rape By Seduction
 By Adam Shane Lawes


As I have stated and emphasised in previous diary data entries, I personally fear alcohol and the fact that alcohol is legal is an insult to all the people who have been abused in their lives and had their lives ruined and made horrible because of alcohol and also the fact that alcohol kills more people in this country each year than the deaths of all illicit drugs combined together each year in this country - it is obvious that it is complete and total hypocrisy that alcohol is still legal when other drugs are illegal or strictly regulated like even painkillers for people in pain are now so strictly controlled when purchasing yet someone can buy as much alcohol as they can get their hands on without being questioned. However I am not sure what the solution to the whole drug problem is as it is obvious that the ‘war on drugs’ has failed and instead created so much crime, destruction and death – and as a person who has used, abused and been addicted to illicit drugs and know why people use and abuse and get addicted to them and personally witnessed and experienced their individual harmful ways – I am still not sure what the solution is – because I have tried abstinence before and it failed as like an bow in an arrow it eventually reached breaking point and I was flung full force back into hedonism again including self-destructive hedonism in the form of all out drug use, drug abuse and drug addiction – so I am still not sure what the solution is – I just want to feel the intensity I experience on each individual illicit drug, or even better more intensity, but naturally now if that is hopefully possible – especially now that I am down and out and broke and homeless here at the cemetery.

© Copyright Adam Shane Lawes