Romance Is Rape By Seduction
 By Adam Shane Lawes


Tonight I just met a strange, dangerous, brooding and beautiful creature - a girl who calls herself Phoebe - The Beirut Babe. And she is another lost soul, a loner and an outcast, and I stumbled upon her just after I had returned from going for my evening meal from the church charity food van at the city's markets industrial warehouse carpark - and when I was walking back to my grave gap hideout 'room' here at the cemetery. For this girl was sitting in the middle of the cemetery, leaning next to a tombstone with a black candle burning and a strange, small, brass, smoking pipe on the ground of the grave that she was sitting on. And she was just as startled as I was, but straight away went into defense-attack mode and quickly pulled out a knife and held it to my throat and asked me who I was and what I was doing here - And after I calmly but quickly explained who I was and my situation - she withdrew the knife from my throat and asked me to sit down with her. And then Phoebe - The Beirut Babe - told me that she was also homeless as she had been terminated from her job a couple of weeks ago where she worked in a factory during the day packing clothes in the inner-city region of Brunswick here in Melbourne where she also lived - and she was terminated from her job for refusing to do unpaid overtime at the end of her required shift hours on her birthday - So her boss, who had been continually exploiting, oppressing and mistreating her and always telling her to work faster than she should have to - then threatened her job as he usually does - and so then on that particular day - her birthday - Phoebe - The Beirut Babe - refused again to do anymore unpaid overtime and so her boss fired her - and then Phoebe - The Beruit Babe - lost her temper at her boss and began smashing boxes of stock in anger at the warehouse where she had been working - and so she was reported by her boss as being terminated for misconduct and denied unemployment benefits also. And besides working in the packing warehouse during the week days - Phoebe - The Beirut Babe - also spent her week nights studying at a hairdressing college - Because when she finished her studies and became a qualified hairdresser - Phoebe - The Beirut Babe - wanted to open her own hairdressing shop here in Melbourne that will specialise in plaits, hair extensions, dreadlocks, and braiding in her specially designed, subterranean hair dressing shop that will only be open at night - But because she unfairly lost her warehouse packing job - now Phoebe - The Beirut Babe - doesn't have the money for the fees for her hairdressing course that she was studying after work each week night - and so she had to quit her studies and is also now homeless. So now tonight, down to her last stash of crack mixed with smack that she had just smoked from that strange, small, brass pipe that was lying next to her on the grave where she was sitting when I discovered her - Phoebe - The Beirut Babe - came here to Melbourne Cemetery to hide out and smoke the last of her stash of crack mixed with smack and try and cope with her situation. And when I asked her what it felt like smoking crack mixed with smack here at the cemetery - she said she felt like some zealous zombie whose darkening desires made her feel dead and free to everything else and everyone in the world except for her own brooding ambitious thoughts and feelings. And then Phoebe - The Beirut Babe - told me that she had been born in Beirut in Lebanon to a mother of French Catholic origin and a father of Lebanese Muslim origin- and then she moved here to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia when she was three years old. And then she dropped out of High School and moved out of home at the age of sixteen years old, and got the job in the warehouse packing factory, and then began studying at the hairdressing college at night. And Phoebe - The Beirut Babe - has very beautiful and exotic features - For she has coffee coloured skin, sleek almond shaped eyes with dark circles beneath them, and voluptuous lips that are always in a state of a being in a permanent brooding pout, and she has long brown chocolate and gold threaded coloured plaits - And she is dressed in a short black leather skirt and top, knee-high black leather boots and a long black leather coat - And she has a very beautiful, dark, powerful presence about her. And so then - as I have to personally do with every girl that I meet and I am to be around on a personal basis for whatever reason - I then told Phoebe about my life ending with my confession to her about my wrongful bad behavior as a teenager when I tried to rape my stepsister - And then after the obviously very shocked Phoebe - The Beirut Babe - and I had this horrible but very important and necessary discussion - I then showed her my grave gap 'room' where I have been sleeping and 'living' - so we then scoured around and found another old grave stone encasement for her to sleep in during the night - and so then tired from all that has happened in her life - and coming down off the last of her stash of crack mixed with smack that she had smoked earlier tonight - Phoebe then went to sleep in her grave gap 'room' - whilst holding her knife to her chest as she slept - as I slid the stone grave encasement lid over the top of her. And so now I am writing about my eventful evening here at Melbourne Cemetery and finishing this diary data entry off with a final description of Phoebe - The Beirut Babe - Because she is beautiful and the product of a civil war - but she says she's not a Catholic or a Muslim - because she has made up her own personal religion - from her own personal fall - into something else that lies beneath them all - and her mother is French and her father is Lebanese - and she looks like a Phoenician princess crossed with a Parisian dream - and when she speaks the words come out all broken and beautiful - like some kind of exotic, enchanted English - cause she was born in Beirut - but was moved overseas - and if you ask her what it was like - she just says 'man I can't remember anything' - and except for her own religion - she says she doesn't want anything more to do with any other religion - nor does she adhere to any particular ethnicity - but when you are walking past her - it feels like you're climbing through holes of  broken steel and bullet marked concrete - and she only wears black leather under a long black leather coat - and in her brass pipe is the mix of crack mixed with smack that she likes to smoke - because she says it feels like the best of the wicked wild west - mixed with the beautiful beast of the middle east - because she is Phoebe - The Beirut Babe - but she wants to go to New York - because she says that it's all mixed up there - so she can be anyone that she wants to be - And now at the end of this diary data entry of mine - tonight it is goodnight from me.

© Copyright Adam Shane Lawes