Is Rape By Seduction
Adam Shane Lawes
The following diary data entry seven is my personal
statement about the cruel corruption that I suffered trying to survive working
too many years of horrible physically heavy and hard and mentally mundane
manual labour for what is one of this country's largest and most corrupt
corporations. So firstly I just want to state that my many years doing
supermarket nightfill work for that corporation which is one of the largest
corporations and private employers in Australia was a very horrible physically
heavy and hard and mentally mundane manual labour job that involved the
repetitious lifting of heavy boxes at night in a supermarket. However I always
worked hard for many years doing horrible physically heavy and hard and
mentally mundane manual labour for that corporation, where I was also employee
of the month three times, as that job despite being extremely horrible paid my
bills by giving me an income for food and a home for shelter whilst I worked on
my art-work, especially my writing, as I continually try and want to survive
and succeed in this world as an artist. And whilst working for that cruel,
corrupt corporation doing horrible physically heavy and hard and mentally
mundane manual labour for too many years I was eventually continually and very
unfairly and cruelly mistreated, used, abused, enslaved and hurt in every way
that they could until I was eventually unfairly terminated by my former
supermarket store male manager who is an Australian originally from India and
also the corporation's mostly matriarchal, malicious and Anglo-Saxon-Australian
females in its human resources head office hierarchy who made me homeless. And
that last supermarket store manager that I had, who is an Australian-Indian
supermarket store male manager, is one of the most cruel, corrupt, corporate
people that I have ever seen and met, including where there is so much very
wrong, cruel and corrupt corporate behaviour that should not exist at all ever
again. For you see, every pallet, box and carton of products that we unload
from the trucks, and then onto the shelves each night, is worked out to a
specific carton rate - Which means that you have to unload those boxes and use
your nightfill carton cutter knife very fast to cut and pack those boxes and
get the products onto the shelves very quickly, in order to keep your nightfill
job. Also at work at night, I had to take all the deliveries such as the milk,
meat and bread trucks that continually came throughout my nightshift - And the
corrupt, corporate store manager from India took away all the extra allocated
hours that I was supposed to be given each night to account for the time it
took to take all those truck deliveries. Then at the end of the night, after
the store has to be double faced with all the product labels facing the front -
All the cardboard rubbish from the average of 25 pallets containing
approximately 100 boxes per pallet each night, has to be crushed into a machine
and then tied up into large wired bails of cardboard for removal. And once
again, this corrupt, corporate Australian-Indian supermarket store manager,
besides taking away my allocated time to take truck deliveries throughout the
night, also took away all the necessary allocated time it took to crush and
bail up in the cardboard crushing machine, the average of 2500 empty cardboard
boxes that are left at the end of each night after unloading the pallets, boxes
and then stacking the supermarket shelves. And then out of his scale symbol
star sign's sometime seemingly too often greed and insecure need for status due
to insecurity, my Australian-Indian store manager, when calculating each
night's required nighfill and nightcrew hours, would illegally minus between
300 to 400 cartons off the actual real load size each night so that he could
cut costs by saving wages and having less staff to do the job. And my former
Australian-Indian store manager did this so that he could make himself look
good and keep getting promoted within the corporation, and to also ensure his
company bonuses - and this also meant that we were always nightcrew staff short
each night - And I was threatened by my class driven former
Australian-Indian store manager that if the nightfill job didn't get done by
the whole nightcrew in each nighshift, then it was my fault and that I would
lose my job as a result - so consequently out of fear of losing my job - I use
to do masses of unpaid hours each night and week to get all of the night's work
done, which involved going to work 2 hours early each night, working through my
1 hour meal break and staying back an hour at the end of my shift to ensure the
night work got completed. And all this corporate corruption by my former
Australian-Indian store manager is against the law, as it is a violation of
health and safety policy and it is also major fraud because my former
Australian-Indian store manager is illegally cost cutting for his own
self-gain, both in terms of promotion, and also financial gain for his bonuses
within the company. So for the last year, as I have stated, I was doing masses
and masses of unpaid hours and being worked into the ground because of the
cruel corporate corruption by my former Australian-Indian store manager, until
I increasingly became rundown and finally got very sick with this bad case of
the flu that I still have, and which my former Australian-Indian store manager
then used my first 3 days off work sick with the flu, to wrongfully and
illegally terminate me from my job. And there was obviously no point in going
to the corporation's head office including its human resources department,
because that cruel, corrupt corporation's human resources head office hierarchy
is constituted of mostly malicious, matriarchal females who wrongfully and in a
very cruel, conniving way spend their working time wrongfully covering up that
corporation's cruel corruption, as they are just as cruel and corrupt in their
own and often very similar cruel, malicious ways as my former store male
manager. And there was also no point in in going to the unions, because the
unions are just as corrupt in their own ways, especially because they make
back-alley deals with the corporation to exploit the staff, whilst they then
wrongfully take union staff members money and do nothing substantial to help
staff members when they are being exploited and suffering sometimes from severe
corporate corruption - and it is in that specific way that unions are just
another corporation as well, and the unions are just as corrupt as the
corporations that the union staff members pay their union to supposedly help
and protect them - which the unions obviously do not do. Because the
supermarket cruel, corrupt corporation - even though it is just a supermarket -
is one of the most powerful, influential and largest corporations in this
country, as it is very near to the top of being one of the largest private
employers in this country - (people have to eat obviously - and food is the one
thing that supposedly 'normal' participating people in society will always buy
so that they can survive - so supermarkets are obviously very big business -
which makes them, especially the supermarket corporation that I worked for -
which also has the largest amount of alcohol sales in this country (and alcohol
kills more people each year here in this country than all illegal recreational
drug deaths each year all combined together - and the corporation also owns and
operates the largest number of gambling poker machines in this country and I
hate gambling as it ruins people's lives - for example my cousin committed
suicide because of a gambling addiction - and that cruel, corrupt corporation
is one of the largest corporations and private employers in this country with a
lot of profit, power and influence - And also that supermarket corporation is
also very corrupt and has the corrupt control of the union for the workers (and
where for example one of the deals the union made with that cruel, corrupt
corporation was so cruel for the workers that the government had to step in to
stop it from happening) and also that cruel, corrupt corporation's management at
a higher level at their head office, especially in their human resources
department, is largely and mostly constituted of females, who many started out
for that cruel, corrupt corporation as supermarket checkout operators, and/or
academically educated at a university institution, and then they go to work in
that cruel, corrupt, corporation's head office and spend their time sitting
down comfortably covering up that corporation's cruel corruption and enslaving
males to do the very horrible physically heavy and hard and mentally mundane
manual labour for that cruel, corrupt corporation that they have never had to
do so they do not know how horrible it is and they are very cruel, conniving,
corrupt and malicious in their occupation for that cruel, corrupt corporation.
And that massively, extensive corrupt, corporate supermarket corporation that I
worked for even allegedly has the Melbourne mafia in their payoffs through
their massive and profitable fruit and vegetable purchases and sales. So trying
to deal with the cruel corporate corruption that I was experiencing at the
supermarket that I worked for legally in the form of the human resources
department, or the unions was all obviously out of the question, and even
trying to deal with the corporation's corruption illegally, by approaching
members of the established and current Melbourne mafia to help me, was also out
of the question as that supermarket corporation is a very big, profitable
business for them - So I was all on my own and I am still on my own right now -
Because after a year of cruel, corporate corruption from my former
Australian-Indian store manager, who constantly threatened me with my job if I
did not do the masses of unpaid overtime each week - which amounted to
approximately 20 hours of unpaid overtime each week for the last year, because
I was working 10 hour shifts without a break because of the cruel, corporate
corruption of my former Australian-Indian store manager - and which resulted in
me becoming increasingly rundown, angry, and also eventually very sick with a
bad flu that my corrupt, corporate former Australian-Indian store manager then
used to unfairly and illegally terminate me from my job both because I had
started to use my words to write down in the supermarket nightfill log book
about his fraudulent capitalist corporate behavior and his exploitation of me,
and because I was then off work sick for 3 days with this bad case of the flu -
(my former Australian-Indian store manager terminated me on the 3rd day that I
was sick with this flu). And now I am homeless, and I am very angry, and I am
hiding out here at Melbourne Cemetery because of the cruel, corporate
corruption of my former supermarket store male manager and also that cruel,
conniving, corrupt corporation's human resources head office's many malicious,
matriarchal females who are all the exact opposite to our world's very
necessary benevolent good corporations. And so now in this digital data diary
of mine here on the global internet world-wide-web I am using my Apple iPhone
and my art as a weapon to expose that wrongful, horrible, supermarket, cruel,
corrupt corporation that so cruelly and wrongfully mistreated, used, abused,
enslaved and hurt me and tried so hard to destroy me so cruelly and wrongfully
in every type of way that they could - and I will not tolerate that type of
behaviour being done to me anymore ever again.
© Copyright
Adam Shane Lawes