Romance Is Rape By Seduction
By Adam Shane Lawes


As stated in my previous diary data entry, at the age that I was sixteen years old, alcohol was the first drug that I ever tried, which was in the form of rum that I sculled and used to try help get the ‘dutch courage’ to publically rape my stepsister that back then I so badly and shamefully desired and wanted to do anyway. So back then at age sixteen years old when I then ran away from home and dropped out of school and moved back across the border to the Gold Coast in the state of Queensland in the country of Australia I then began to use illicit drugs and I also became a drug dealer as well. The first illicit drug that I tried was marijuana. However I only tried and used marijuana 3 times as I hated it, because marijuana made me extremely paranoid and uncomfortable and it was in complete opposition to the way my individuality and personality functions as it took away my self-confidence and made my thoughts scattered with too much ambiguity and no clarity regarding what was the right answer to the many overwhelming questions my mind painfully in paranoia pondered- and I have never used marijuana since and I will never use marijuana again. The next illicit drug that I tried was the drug speed which I did not like as it made me feel too aggressive and the comedown from it was too chaotic and depressing. The next illicit drug that I tried was LSD, and which I used recreationally here and there for five years. However now LSD is a drug that I will never use again. The reasons for this are that LSD may offer immediate in-depth and insightful realisations - However those in-depth and insightful realisations that LSD can provide are way too quick and temporary to be practically integrated into everyday life - and also the psychic powers and abilities that LSD may provide are also frustratingly temporary and wear off when the trip finishes - So at the end of each LSD trip, there is only the memory of the in-depth realisations, the in-depth insights, and the psychic powers - but there is no practical natural ability, understanding or process to naturally use, integrate and practice the in-depth insights, in-depth realisations and psychic powers that can be experienced on LSD – And in addition to this LSD can change and alter your spirit/soul’s physical vibrational rate, which can then allow some people to channel, however channeling is wrong as it can drag another human spirit out of the spirit realm or even a non-human spirit from another part of the universe into your physical body along with your own individual personal spirit/soul, which besides being cosmologically wrong, it is also potentially harmful to both your own spirit/soul and the spirit/soul being channeled – So do not channel as channeling is wrong whether you are on LSD or not - And it is for those abovementioned reasons that I will not use LSD again. The next drug I tried was ketamine - and I do not like ketamine - I did the drug ketamine at one of my friend's and his girlfriend's houses in the middle of winter - And we did not know how much to use, so we just laid out quite long lines of the ketamine on their coffee table and began snorting away in their lounge room - And then the next thing I know I am sitting on a mattress on the floor, whilst my friend tries to keep getting the fire going that for some strange reason on that night, kept going out in their fireplace, and while he does this, his girlfriend is staring at the roof in silence and with a look of awe on her face. Meanwhile, feeling physically unable to get up off the mattress I was sitting on, I suddenly feel as though I am being dragged by some unexplainable and unseen force into a candle that is in the middle of the coffee table that I am sitting in front of - and I have to grip my hands into the mattress in order to stop myself from being dragged into that candle on the coffee table in front of me - Next I start hearing a woman singing in an eerie angelic church choir like voice down past their hallway and in their dining room - and seeing that there is only myself, my friend and his girlfriend there - it freaks me out and I have to go and investigate - However my ability to walk is impaired by the ketamine and I have to struggle to get up off the mattress and as I do I prop myself up against the wall - I then somehow manage to slowly slide down the wall of their hallway to their dining room in order to see who the hell this woman with the eerie angelic church choir like voice is and why she is in the house with us - and after taking what seems like forever to get myself down their hallway by sliding myself against the wall - when I get to the dining room there is no-one there but the room feels unusually cold and eerie and I feel an overwhelming urge to get myself back to their lounge room. So I then slowly slide myself against the wall back down the hallway, and when I reach the lounge room I slide down the wall and back onto the mattress again, and then sit on the mattress by propping myself up against the wall. I then suddenly feel my vision and the pumping of my heart both constricting at the same time - and I feel as though I am about to physically die - for as my vision narrows into an increasingly smaller tunnel, I can also feel my heart constricting and having increasingly dangerous difficulty in pumping blood around my body. This tunnel vision and constricting of my heart and its ability to pump blood around my body increases until I begin to think that I maybe about to die - and then I start to think about death - and suddenly my thoughts are focused directly on Heaven and Hell - and then my narrowing tunnel vision stops narrowing and my heart stops constricting, and I can feel my heart pumping my blood around my body with less constriction - And then as I focus on these physical aspects of what I am experiencing - my vision starts to tunnel again and my heart starts to again feel very constricted and have increasing difficulty in pumping blood around my body - And then my thoughts focus again on the possibility that I am again about to die - And then suddenly I am thinking of Heaven and Hell again - And then my tunnel vision stops narrowing and my heart feels less dangerously constricted in pumping blood around my body - And suddenly I can actually feel the presence of God above me and the Devil beneath me - and both are battling against each other for power - and then as this feeling overwhelms me - suddenly the ketamine wears off almost instantly and I am staring at my friend and girlfriend who are also staring at me - And the first thing my friend says is what time is it as it feels like at least 12 hours have past - which it definitely does feel like 12 hours have past - However when we look at the clock only 2 hours have past for that whole intense and quite frightening experience - And the next day after taking the ketamine that night - my whole body felt lethargic and my blood felt like glue being pumped around my body and I felt a mix of being slightly irritable and slightly anxious - And that was the only time that I used ketamine and because of those abovementioned reasons I would never use the drug ketamine again. Then the next illicit drug that I used and dealt was ecstasy. And even though I used the drug ecstasy a lot, I will never use the drug ecstasy again. The reason that I will never use the drug ecstasy again, is that for me personally, it was never the so-called love drug that it was claimed to be - and for me personally, the drug ecstasy never even gave me a sense of empathy. Instead when I was on the drug ecstasy, I used to just enjoy brooding and scheming about how I could be successful with my artwork. And then for the next couple of days after I had used the drug ecstasy, I would feel a mixture of being irritable, annoyed, uncomfortable, frustrated and anxious and if I had binged use too much ecstasy I would get a bad cold/flu for a few days afterwards along with bad anxiety and depression. In terms of cocaine, it was another illicit drug that I used for awhile and which I used by injecting it. However cocaine is also a drug that I will never use again for two reasons. Firstly because cocaine was always too much like a quick, cheap thrill - and the euphoria of cocaine would always wear off way too quickly - and even for those short periods when I was really high on the euphoria of cocaine - the self-confidence that cocaine provided always made me feel as though I was walking and talking way too cocky and arrogant to actually fully enjoy the euphoria of cocaine in any social setting - and also, no matter what social situation and setting, that euphoria of cocaine would also always wear off way too quickly anyway - and that is the reason that I will never use the drug cocaine again. And the illicit drug heroin was also a drug that I used for a period of seven years including the fact that I was a heroin addict - and so now heroin is also a drug that I will never use again. For I use to either smoke or inject heroin, including after I had used too many upper drugs like amphetamines and cocaine - for a prolonged period - and in order to make the come down off those upper drugs less emotionally, mentally and physically painful through the process of smoking or injecting heroin. And for the first year I used heroin I did so recreationally and I never used heroin for more than 2 days in a row out of fear of getting addicted to it like so many people that I knew around me were. And then in the second year I used heroin I began relying upon it in troubled times and I began using heroin every day and night and for the next six years I battled with heroin addiction. And even though heroin withdrawal is only for 3 days it is 3 very long days and nights of extreme pain and constantly craving heroin, and having really bad stomach pains and stomach problems and also extremely bad body pains all over my body, and an inability to sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time - and then when I did sleep I would have really bad nightmares for those short periods of sleep. Then finally after those 3 days of extreme pain of heroin withdrawal, on the 4th day, feeling shaky and slightly uncomfortable, but no longer suffering from anymore severe physical pain, my horrible heroin withdrawal would finally finish – but then I would relapse and stupidly get addicted again including once carelessly making the mistake of sticking the needle of heroin too far into my vein in my arm and I instead went into my artery in my arm which cut off the circulation to my arm causing my forearm and hand to swell up so I had to go to hospital and the nurse there told me that if the artery in my arm did not unblock in two hours I would have to have my arm amputated which obviously caused me to sit there in shock but thankfully the artery in my arm eventually unblocked and the blood started to flow into my forearm and hand again and I was able to go home from the hospital healthy without having my forearm and hand amputated – and I have also seen someone dead from heroin overdose and I have nearly overdosed myself as I kept jolting awake and alive again as I saw myself dying in possible past-lives – because for example one possible past-life looked like it was in medieval times in Europe and was I on top of a horse ready to go into battle as I was holding a sword and I knew whoever’s side I was on we were outnumbered and going to die but we had to charge into battle and try and win anyway, and as I charged towards my enemies who were also on horseback brandishing swords I was knocked off onto the ground and then I saw someone with a sword forcefully stab me and kill me which fearfully woke me up with my heart then pounding as I lay leaning against my bedroom wall awake again in this life from having too much heroin as seemingly thankfully the universe did not want me to die then in this life which I otherwise so easily could have done then from using too much heroin. And I will never use heroin again - because heroin is a drug that shuts you down emotionally, mentally and physically, and heroin makes you very apathetic and boring, and the severity of the pain of that 3 day heroin withdrawal is another major factor in my decision to steer clear of heroin and never use it again. As I did make the mistake of using methadone to legally treat my opiate addiction, and although it was cheap and legal it was in the end not practical as the methadone wouldn’t last 24 hours and instead would only last about 20 hours unless I went up on my dose by 5mg to 10 mg but then when I stabilized again on that dose it would wear off after 20 hours and I would have to painfully wait for four hours each morning until I could get my next dose of methadone medicine  to feel comfortable and pain free again – and because of this I went up to 120mg a day of methadone– and then when I’d had enough off being on methadone I reduced by jumping down by 2.5mg per day to 60mg a day and then I painfully jumped off 60mg of methadone a day which unlike the 3 days of painful heroin withdrawal the painful withdrawal off methadone lasted 11 days but finally suffering in extreme pain alone I made it through that 60mg jump off methadone and its very painful withdrawal by forcing myself to eat soup in between rushing to the bathroom, and also exercising on the floor to make alternative pain to the horrible pain of methadone withdrawal, and also doing my writing art-work to get my mind focussed on something else and enjoyable, and listening to other artist's music, in order to feel better to get through that very horrible pain of methadone withdrawal - and after 11 days of extreme pain by doing that I thankfully finally got off methadone. And in addition to this regarding my prior heroin use I also contracted hepatitis-c from injecting and I had to have six months of chemotherapy to get rid of the hepatitis-c virus which despite being difficult I successfully made it through and thankfully cleared myself of the hepatitis c virus. And finally the last drug that I have used is the drug ice - and at first I smoked the ice but then I began injecting it - and that ice rush is the best drug experience and the most powerful and intense euphoric drug rush that I have ever experienced regarding any drug - and even though ice is a form of amphetamine - ice is nothing like the drug speed - and the ice injections have more of a euphoric rush than cocaine does - but without all the annoying trippy side effects that occur from a large cocaine injection - and also, unlike cocaine, that euphoric rush of that ice injection lasts for hours and hours - And also ice is the drug that has the most powerful effect on sharpening my mind and also intensifying my libido sex drive in a powerful way - and to be honest I sometimes still crave to use the drug ice but only in an occasional recreational, harm-minimisation, partying, pleasurable way - And regarding recreational drug use this is a serious issue that needs to be publicly discussed and debated including changing our drug laws - because I personally do not like nor drink the only legal recreational drug alcohol that kills more people here each year than all illegal recreational drug deaths all combined together which is obviously very hypocritical and unfair for people like me who do not like, nor enjoy nor drink the currently only legal recreational drug which is alcohol - and obviously there is always the question of whether to totally abstain from all recreational drug use or have an economical and harm-minimisation legal strategy for every recreational drug which is both fair and respectable for every individual regarding their recreational drug(s) of choice and whether to use or to not use recreational drugs regarding their own individual rights regarding their personal-political opinions and decisions.

© Copyright Adam Shane Lawes